Town Hall 8 - War Base

One of the best Town Hall 8 war bases going.  This “Town Hall 8” looks simple but is really well designed.  It has superb trap placement with Big Bombs and Springs, making it extremely difficult for Giants and Hogs to attack.

Good triangulation of Wizard Towers, Air Defence, and Tesla’s. Each defence type is compartmentalised with walls making it very difficult to swarm.  The Mortars also cover the entire base providing great coverage of splash damage.

The Clan Castle and Barbarian King are centralised next to the Town Hall making it difficult to lure the defending troops.  Any melee units have to break through at least 3 sections of wall to reach the core of the base.

Town Hall 8 - War Base 2

This is a similar design to the base above, but is more compact.  It has a denser concentration of damage in the middle of the base, but is slightly more vulnerable to Hog attacks, as there is less space to place traps.

That said, the trap placement is still very good, and the cross triangulation of Air Defence and Wizard Towers ensures excellent coverage for the entire base.

Town Hall 8 - War Base 3&4

These 2 spiral bases are designed to lure ground troops around the central core of the village, taking heavy fire and triggering traps as they go.

The left spiral is slightly lopsided in terms of splash damage, but has extra wall compartments to break through to the core.

The right spiral has a good even coverage of the entire base with the triangulation of Wizard Tower and Air Defence.

Town Hall 8 - War Base 5

This base design has a huge concentration of fire power in the inner core.  Whilst it might be an easier base to get a 50% 1 star victory from, the 2nd and 3rd stars are going to be extremely difficult to get.

The Town Hall is heavily fortified by surrounding towers and traps, and the Clan Castle is far enough from the deployment zone that any lure tactic from the enemy is going to be costly for them.

The perceivable gaps between buildings makes it difficult to determine where the traps are hidden, and what is the best side to attack from.

The inner placement of Big Bombs makes this a risky base to attack with Hog Riders, and the excellent coverage of the inner core makes this a difficult base for all but the strongest of attackers.

Town Hall 8 - War Base 6

This base is very strong against Giants, Barbarians and any other melee units that have to break through walls.

The triangulation of towers provides great coverage of the base, and the separated Mortars provide a massive area of effect for splash damage. This makes the base particular effective against "Barch" attacks (Barbarian, Archer).

Good trap placement throughout the base makes it hazardous for Hog Rider attacks, and the trio of Air Defence towers provide reasonable coverage against air based attacks as well.

The Barbarian King is a little exposed in the outer ring of the village, but this is a well rounded base that will give attackers lots of problems.

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